Phone enquiry code for this property : 9910
Phone enquiry code for this property : 2199
Well presented 2 Bedroom Unit, with built in wardrobes and Ceiling Fans in both rooms. New Airconditioner in main living area. New Carpet and Flooring throughout. New Kitchen with stone bench tops. Seperate Toilet and Laundry. SLUG with internal access. Low maintenance fenced court yard with a covered in deck area.
Phone enquiry code for this property : 2199
Phone enquiry code for this property : 9910
Phone enquiry code for this property : 2199
Well presented 2 Bedroom Unit, with built in wardrobes and Ceiling Fans in both rooms. New Airconditioner in main living area. New Carpet and Flooring throughout. New Kitchen with stone bench tops. Seperate Toilet and Laundry. SLUG with internal access. Low maintenance fenced court yard with a covered in deck area.
Phone enquiry code for this property : 2199
Phone enquiry code for this property : 9910