1 Short Street, Dunolly, Vic 3472

Bare Paddock to Bush



Phone Enquiry ID: 227147

One block, 683 m2.

While no services are currently connected, they are readily available. The existing structure offers a starting point, whether as a basis for your future home construction pending council approval or as an investment, living off grid, or enjoy this land as part of your farm or backyard or watch the wild life e.g Grey Kangaroos, Brushed Tail Possums and lizards and lots of beautiful birds visit this precious piece of Dunolly. What an investment! Make it permanent, a holiday getaway, either way you can't lose, it is an asset and an investment.

Located within walking distance to local shops and bakeries, this property is nestled amongst residential homes.
A blank canvas block with some gum trees planted around the border of the property. The block is fenced and accessible from Broadway.

This residential block is suitable for a dwelling with appropriate permits and approvals and service connections. Make your home dream come true.

This block of land is delightful, a pleasure to go to and watch the animals, birds and revegetation. It's a gem, you can't go wrong.


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