To Enquire on this Property, Text this code C010 to 0472 782 321 (no call number), or use the 'Contact Agent' tab to send an email.
Dwelling Entitlement, zoned Village RU5
2023 m2
Nice outlook, curb and guttering at the front.
Telstra, water and power at the front of the block - not connected
Good 4G phone/ internet coverage
Rates approx $1000 pa
Open to reasonable offers
Disclaimer. You are advised that you should conduct your own due diligence and not rely on this information, including but not limited to, the property area, floor size, price, address and general property description on the Website. The information has been provided to Australian Home Partners (AHP) by third parties and is published as a convenience to you. AHP accepts no liability whatsoever in connection with the information published.
Dwelling Entitlement, zoned Village RU5
2023 m2
Nice outlook, curb and guttering at the front.
Telstra, water and power at the front of the block - not connected
Good 4G phone/ internet coverage
Rates approx $1000 pa
Open to reasonable offers
Disclaimer. You are advised that you should conduct your own due diligence and not rely on this information, including but not limited to, the property area, floor size, price, address and general property description on the Website. The information has been provided to Australian Home Partners (AHP) by third parties and is published as a convenience to you. AHP accepts no liability whatsoever in connection with the information published.