16 Webb Street, Gosnells, WA 6110

Paradise & LOVE Found in Gosnells



Phone enquiry code for this property : 0940


Offers from $415,000 and the closest offer to $1 Million ...... wait no, the closet offer to $ 1 Billion gets the Garden of Paradise and LOVE.

Well sadly Dad has gone into a nursing home now and they charge a fortune, so if you have some extra $$ in the bank account why not put it in the offer, you may be pleasantly surprised. We may accept all your extra cash!!!

3 Bed 1 Bth, 746m2 Block, Large powered Workshop and LOVE in them gardens!!

This was Mum & Dads house for themselves, once all my siblings and me were off their hands. For almost 25 years it was a house to rekindle and strengthen their love for each other and their common love of gardening. Sadly Mum passed a couple of years ago and Dad has got to the point where he is no longer able to care fully for himself.

So it will sadness that we offer this home of Paradise and LOVE.

If you come into the home and cant immediately feel the LOVE and sense the serenity from the Paradisiac gardens, you will be politely escorted off the property with disgust and distain, no offer from you will be entertained, even for $1 Billion.

We want to be very clear, what we DO NOT HAVE are the following:-
*4 bedrooms
*2 bathrooms
*below ground pool
*theatre room
*games room
*fake cellar
*mud room
*walk in robe to rival Paris Hilton\\\'s
*Outdoor pizza oven, water feature, blah blah blah, etc etc etc

However we do have for your consideration ....

This beautifully kept and maintained modest home that has shared and soaked up the LOVE of two fantastic people. It\\\'s a home that encourages you to indulge your senses in the beautiful gardens, enjoy making things in the workshop, growing your own organic veggies or just enjoy being comfortable and safe in the neat, clean and well care for interior. The home is close to all services just a few minutes away in the heart of Gosnells. Its positioned in the older part of Gosnells where large old trees are still valued and enjoyed in a small quite street.

There is some of Dads handy work in the home in the form of wardrobes and study furniture that you are welcome to enjoy or start your own chapter. Along with the almost new, Samsung quality fridge that will most likely be included with the sale. We had a such a hard time finding one to fit into the space (to maximize and not waist space) that we would hate to put you through that.

Where Mum and Dad used to enjoy growing some vegies there is plenty of room to do some of the following if vegie growing isn\\\'t your thing
Pool and pool house
Bigger workshop/ garage
Maybe granny flat
Outdoor cinema (I love those and my personal favorite)
You could probably combine a couple of them as there is still heaps of room.
Of course Council Approval would need to be sought, so if you would like to pursue any of those grand ideas I\\\'ve just generously given you, please make sure to do your own due diligence prior to making an absurdly high offer.

Double brick and clay roof tile construction
3 bed 1 bath, meals and family room
Single semi-enclosed carport with roller door
House = 114m2
Patio 13.5m x 5m = 67.5m2
Powered Workshop 6.1m x 4.5m = 27.5m2
Garden Shed 3.7m x 2.1m
Retic from Bore
1.5kw Solar Power system
135ltr Gas storage h/w
Cook flooring (low allergenic) throughout
Split R/C A/C in lounge/living room
Split R/C A/C in main bedroom
Ceiling fans
Double width crossover and drive (enough to park probably 4 cars off street)
And did I mention LOVE in the gardens, just look at them, they\\\'re stunning.

We need the home sold relatively quickly so we are happy to look at over inflated offers from
Single romantics
Aspiring Artists
Older Couples looking to rekindle their love in gardening
Organic veggie growers with lots of money
SIngle parents who enjoy fantasy with their child/children
Young couples starting out who want the vibes of a successful couple (Mum & Dad were happily married for over 60 years)
Small families with strong values who like big trees

and just because the nursing home is charging us interest until the home is sold, well anyone who wants to buy it and can afford it.

Come to the home open, stay a while, linger in the garden, then talk to me about how close to $1 million xx Sorry $1 billion you would like to offer.
We feel this home is special and stands apart from anything else on the market in Gosnells so we really hope to sell quickly, dont miss your
opportunity for a better quality of life.


Phone enquiry code for this property : 0940

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