Phone enquiry code for this property : 9581
Registered Vacant Land, 800sqm, 20m frontage.
Lock in price now and don't complete sale until after July 1 2022. Secure with small fixed holding deposit and owner willing to reduce contract deposit to just 5% on exchange after July 1 2022 (rather than standard 10%, meaning purchaser holds onto their money longer).
This block has a great aspect for optimum sun and natural light no matter what design you have in mind.
St-Helena estate is boutique development with no lots under 800sqm and all with wide frontage making this prestige estate stand out as a great investment. This estate has no further stages being developed, meaning vacant spots here are a premium.
Lochinvar is a great central position in the Hunter Valley, perfect for lifestyles of any kind with nearby access to major expressway (making everything close enough, but also far enough to enjoy this relaxed lifestyle).
Phone enquiry code for this property : 9581
Registered Vacant Land, 800sqm, 20m frontage.
Lock in price now and don't complete sale until after July 1 2022. Secure with small fixed holding deposit and owner willing to reduce contract deposit to just 5% on exchange after July 1 2022 (rather than standard 10%, meaning purchaser holds onto their money longer).
This block has a great aspect for optimum sun and natural light no matter what design you have in mind.
St-Helena estate is boutique development with no lots under 800sqm and all with wide frontage making this prestige estate stand out as a great investment. This estate has no further stages being developed, meaning vacant spots here are a premium.
Lochinvar is a great central position in the Hunter Valley, perfect for lifestyles of any kind with nearby access to major expressway (making everything close enough, but also far enough to enjoy this relaxed lifestyle).
Phone enquiry code for this property : 9581