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Large family home on large block. Very private location on best street in Scotts Head that is a dead end road so very kid friendly and no through traffic. Excellent hardwood large pergola. Usual ensuite. Security. Drive in shed etc. Solid brick house with great aspect. House heats and cools with minimal use of heaters and or coolers.
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Large family home on large block. Very private location on best street in Scotts Head that is a dead end road so very kid friendly and no through traffic. Excellent hardwood large pergola. Usual ensuite. Security. Drive in shed etc. Solid brick house with great aspect. House heats and cools with minimal use of heaters and or coolers.
Disclaimer. You are advised that you should conduct your own due diligence and not rely on this information, including but not limited to, the property area, floor size, price, address and general property description on the Website. The information has been provided to us by third parties and is published as a convenience to you. We accept no liability whatsoever in connection with the information published.