33 Keane Street, Lesmurdie, WA 6076


33 Keane St , Lesmurdie, WA ,6076

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Phone enquiry code for this property: 6084

Phone enquiry code for this property: 6084

A rare flat block in the Kalamunda Shire
This is the last vacant block for sale out of forty-two in the prestigious Lesmurdie Stirkwood Estate.
The Stirkwood estate is across from St Brigids College.
Build your dream home
It is a beautiful block and is within a short walking distance to iga ,post office, pharmacy, butcher, several schools, public transportation and much much more.

This level block is
2,010 m2
33.5 by 60
Power dome

Phone enquiry code for this property: 6084

Phone enquiry code for this property: 6084


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