4 NATO COURT, Thornlands, Qld 4164

Beautiful Home in Thornlands

$970,000 - $980,000


To enquire, please email or call 1300 815 051 and enter code 8508

4 bedroom home with built-in wardrobes in all rooms, ensuite off main bedroom and through a walk in robe.

A covered outdoor entertaining area provided plenty of space with low maintenance lawn with little to mow leaving more time to fish the Morton bay with access 8 clicks away.

Property is close to Carmel college, Faith college, Thornlands state school, Cristal waters shopping centre - more details in photos. No real-estate agents please.
built 2012.

All inspections can be made on request.

To enquire, please email or call 1300 815 051 and enter code 8508

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