The phone enquiry code for this property is - 4656
Due to family reasons we are having to sell this property.
944m2 block
Dual street frontage and access from Hannam Street and Brown Street
Plans for industrial shed at the Brown Street entrance
Fully surveyed and soil reports
5 Bedrooms, 1 Bathroom house was completely refurbished in June 2021
New flooring, fire alarms, new switchboard and all electrical fittings, all new Daikin inverter airconditioning throughout, new paint, new toilet, solar hot water system
Electrical roller door with full lockup area under house.
Complete 6ft security fencing
Currently tenanted with tenant willing to extend lease
Due to family reasons we are having to sell this property.
944m2 block
Dual street frontage and access from Hannam Street and Brown Street
Plans for industrial shed at the Brown Street entrance
Fully surveyed and soil reports
5 Bedrooms, 1 Bathroom house was completely refurbished in June 2021
New flooring, fire alarms, new switchboard and all electrical fittings, all new Daikin inverter airconditioning throughout, new paint, new toilet, solar hot water system
Electrical roller door with full lockup area under house.
Complete 6ft security fencing
Currently tenanted with tenant willing to extend lease