4438 West Tamar Highway, Beauty Point, Tas 7270


Amazing Tamar Views on an Acre Plus - SOLD

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Looking for a lifestyle that allows for sailing, boating, fishing or enjoying some of the Tamar Valley's finest wineries and eateries, then this is the property for you. This gently sloping block of approximately 5000 square meters, is absolutely ideal to build the dream home and take in those river views and everything that the scenic Beauty Point has to offer. Only minutes from the townships of Beauty Point and Beaconsfield and footsteps from the beautiful Tamar estuary, arguably one of the most scenic locations throughout Tasmania, offering an array of birdlife and wildlife all within short distance of most conveniences, services, hotels, and for the sailors amongst us, only a short walk to the Dalrymple Sailing Club.
Take a drive and see this amazing block with endless opportunities for yourself.


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By selling yourself, you can save a significant amount of money on agency commissions.

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