48 VINCENT STREET, Ararat, Vic 3377

Brylie Manor

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An iconic Art Deco inspired house located in the heart of rural Ararat Victoria. Only a 5 minute walk from the main street, town hall, cinema, eateries, shopping centres and local schools. With Alexandra Gardens and the train station 3 blocks away. Entering via a main foyer this beautiful home includes a formal dining area and separate lounge both with feature bay windows.

With 4 spacious bedrooms, 1 opening onto a balcony with views of Ararat and the front garden. 2 fully renovated bathrooms 1 on each level with a 3rd toilet off the entertainment area. A quaint downstairs study with a small fireplace and an upstairs sunroom overlooking the back garden.

Features include ornate art deco fittings and doors throughout, leadlight windows, hardwood floors and original staircase meticulously renovated, 9x6mtr 2 car lock up remote garage, separate detached workshop/third car garage, split system heating and cooling throughout, a cedar garden shed recessed into a small courtyard to the side of the house, outdoor paved entertainment area and deck.

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