Phone enquiry code for this property : 3213
Family Home or Perfect Investment.
Within 3 minutes to Ocean Beaches, Tuggerah & Budgewoi Lakes.
2 Schools, Cafes, Shops, RSL Club, Golf Club and Transport at your front door.
10 minutes to Railway station and the M1 Freeway.
Brick & Tile Home with Three Bedrooms two with built ins and Laundry, Large bathroom and separate toilet.
Air Conditioning, Gas and Well appointed Kitchen with Stainless
Great Location in Heart of Toukley
Selling Privately - No Agents.
Phone enquiry code for this property : 3213
Family Home or Perfect Investment.
Within 3 minutes to Ocean Beaches, Tuggerah & Budgewoi Lakes.
2 Schools, Cafes, Shops, RSL Club, Golf Club and Transport at your front door.
10 minutes to Railway station and the M1 Freeway.
Brick & Tile Home with Three Bedrooms two with built ins and Laundry, Large bathroom and separate toilet.
Air Conditioning, Gas and Well appointed Kitchen with Stainless
Great Location in Heart of Toukley
Selling Privately - No Agents.
Phone enquiry code for this property : 3213