989 square metre vacant block located in the village of Quaama (coastal ranges of the Far South Coast).
Fully fenced with some established native shrubs/trees.
Mountain views.
Large established organic vegetable garden.
Walking distance to local primary school, community hall, park and childrens playground, general store/post office, tennis courts and Mens Shed.
25-minute drive to Bega via Princes Highway, 30 minutes to Bermagui and 10 minutes to Cobargo.
Concept development consent in place to build a 3-bedroom home with associated septic system until 30 August 2023. Water, electricity and NBN infrastructure available to lot, but not connected. All developer contributions paid. Lot recently surveyed and pegged.
Act quickly to take advantage of various state and federal government building incentives. Opportunity to build with a transportable home company in order to secure the Homebuilder $25,000 grant.
The RU5 Village zone offers multiple opportunities to establish a business or home business in the village.
Fully fenced with some established native shrubs/trees.
Mountain views.
Large established organic vegetable garden.
Walking distance to local primary school, community hall, park and childrens playground, general store/post office, tennis courts and Mens Shed.
25-minute drive to Bega via Princes Highway, 30 minutes to Bermagui and 10 minutes to Cobargo.
Concept development consent in place to build a 3-bedroom home with associated septic system until 30 August 2023. Water, electricity and NBN infrastructure available to lot, but not connected. All developer contributions paid. Lot recently surveyed and pegged.
Act quickly to take advantage of various state and federal government building incentives. Opportunity to build with a transportable home company in order to secure the Homebuilder $25,000 grant.
The RU5 Village zone offers multiple opportunities to establish a business or home business in the village.