5 Sealion Court, Indented Head, Vic 3223

Seaside Family Home in Indented Head, Great for fishing/walking enthusiasts and lovers of seaside living.

$685,000 — $720,000


Phone Enquiry ID: 224006

3 bedroom, 2 bathroom, 2 Living Zones, Separate WC, 4 car parking in garage and off-street parking spaces (2 cars in either driveway, 2 cars in garage and plenty of room to also park your caravan or boat safely behind the side gates, Good size backyard suitable for entertaining, pets, etc. Home is currently in the process of having the interior refurbished. Photos will be uploaded as soon as available. Inspections by appointment (and due to safety, can only be arranged at times only when work isn't being carried out on-site).

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