801/86-88 Northbourne Avenue, Braddon, ACT 2612

TOP FLOOR, North CORNER, Wheelchair friendly

circa $438,999


The Phone Code for this property is: 19465. Please quote this number when phoning or texting.

Rented @ $550pw until April
= let the tenant pay your mortgage

Spacious apartment
Sunshine, Views, LOCATION!!!

The well-managed Phoenix Apartments

Comfortably accommodates 4


Pool, Gym, Secure PARKING
Ample EXTRA secure parking

level & close to all amenities e.g. CIVIC shops, carousel, medicos, businesses

Near ALL amenities - but not close enough to be disturbed by night time fun of others

LARGE Entertainment deck

Private Balcony

Ceiling Fans + ducted Airconditioning

Easy renter. Pleasant life.


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