9 Ferrier Street, Mount Macedon, Vic 3441

Vacant Block in Stunning Mount Macedon

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Please note this land is not currently able to be developed. Construction of a house is currently prohibited under the current planning scheme. The Macedon Ranges Shire Council aren't currently looking to review the zone or overlay controls. This property is listed for those who are able to play the waiting game until this changes and the property is able to be developed.

A beautiful, large corner block with native scrub situated on very quiet streets. The property is of a generous size on a beautiful residential street with lovely neighbours. Only a 35 minute drive to the airport (not that anyone is going there for now). There are services up and down the street as evidenced by the existing houses on all sides, however currently there aren't any services connected to the block.

For those interested to research further the problematic overlay is called the Restructure Overlay. Regrettably the owner is no longer able to play the waiting game until the zoning changes. Prospective buyers please do your own research to assess if this property is right for you.

22.92m x 60.96m (1397m2 total). Council rates are $168 per quarter. No other fees except for mowing to keep the grass from becoming a fire hazard in summer.

Feel free to inspect the block without a booking .


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